GodPlay Clan - eVolution Gaming Technology By Killer*Elite
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GodPlay Clan - eVolution Gaming Technology By Killer*Elite

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 Dproto 2011

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Membru din Membru din : 14/07/2010
Mesaje Mesaje : 450
Localizare Localizare : Romania
Reputatie Reputatie : 27

Dproto 2011 Empty
MesajSubiect: Dproto 2011   Dproto 2011 Icon_minitimeLun Ian 03, 2011 6:51 am

Descriere patch DPROTO_0_8_72:
Dproto_0_8_72 este ultima aparitie de patch pentru serverele de Counter-Strike 1.6 (22.09.2010), care permite conexiuni pe server de la utilizatorii de CS Protocol 47 + 48, Steam + NonSteam.
Functioneaza atat pe windows, cat si pe Linux.
Serverul apare cu succes la [Internet] si [Favorites]
Arata iconitele jucatorilor cu STEAM
Functioneaza si cu ultima versiune de swds.dll

Download DPROTO_0_8_72:
[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]

Instalare Patch DPROTO_0_8_72:
-Faceti NEAPARAT un update la engine-urile serverului:
Cum faceti update-ul? Dati click pe Start, Run si scrieti cmd in casuta.
Intrati in folderul unde este instalat serverul si dati urmatoarele comenzi:
hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game valve -dir . -verify_all
asteptati sa se termine si apoi dati comanda:
hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game cstrike -dir . -verify_all
./steam -command update -game valve -dir . -verify_all
asteptati sa se termine, apoi dati si:
./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir . -verify_all
- Intrati in /cstrike/addons/
- Creati un folder numit dproto
- Copiati fisierul dproto_i386.so -(linux) sau dproto.dll -(windows) din arhiva, in HLDS/csrike/addons/dropto/
- Intrati in HLDS/cstrike/addons/metamod/
- Deschideti plugins.ini si adaugati:
pentru Windows:
win32  addons\dproto\dproto.dll
Pentru linux adaugati:
linux addons/dproto/dproto_i386.so

- Copiati din arhiva fisierul dproto.cfg in folderul cstrike din server
- Adaugati in server.cfg linia:
exec dproto.cfg
- Gata, acum patchul dproto este instalat.
- Daca aveti setat la parametrii -nomaster, trebuie sa il stergeti, pluginul se va conecta automat la serverele STEAM.

Istorie versiuni DPROTO (en):
* 0.8.72:
* Added quick fix for vulnerability in netchan's fragment parser
* Enhanced detection of fakeplayers (against Argentinian haxxxorz)

* 0.8.68:
* Improvements/bugfixes in fakeplayers/packet flood detection code
* AMXX API and example plugins updated
* Fixed bug with cid_AVSMP, it was always 1
* Added useful commands for threats monitoring, check Readme.txt
* bugfix, bugfix, bugfix, bugfix....
* Added support for AVSMP clients
* fix for random svc_bads on connect
* proper bots detection method in fakeplayers detector
* fixed problems with AMD engines
* fixed hybrid answer mode
* fakeplayers detector won't kick and ban bots anymore
* fixed crash when working with bans DB (banid)
* fix in new revEmu auth code
* (untested) "The VAC problem" (when VAC banned clients are able to join server) should be fixed.
* Source code will not be available anymore.
* added option (HLTVExcept_IP) to allow HLTVs from specified address to join the server even if cid_HLTV is 5 (deprectated). May be useful if you using HLTVReport plugin, but you dont want to allow another HLTVs to join your server.
* added protection against flooding server with connectionless (PlayerList, ServerInfo, Rules) queries.
* added 2-level protection against all kinds of fake players
* added config options to set first prefix of steamid for clients. For example, revEmu clients may be marked as STEAM_4_0_xx
* added support for new revEmu/SteamClient2009 clients
* added support for latest linux engine.
* project moved to new versioning system; version format for now is MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION

* 0.4.8p:
* fixed buffer overflow vulnerability in SV_ParseCvarValue2()
* fixed crash for linux servers, when server started as unprivileged user that not able to write to server root directory.

* 0.4.8:
* fixed problem with dropping clients with "Unknown HLTV Type" message
* fix in anti-svc_bad code, it should work fine now

* 0.4.7:
* fixed: old WON clients (CS patch 21 and lower) unable to join server

* 0.4.6:
* fixed NET_SendPacket error that appears when server tried to drop deprecated client

* 0.4.5:
* implemented fix for "Server failed to transmit file AY&SY" kind of svc_bad's
* UTF8 Chat/Nicknames support completely removed (will add it to another plugin)
* Userinfo filter removed because it does not needed anymore (it was a temporary fix for svc_bad's)
* added separate AuthProvider (dp_r_id_provider cvar) constant for HLTV (check amxx/dp_test.sma)
* fixed GameNameChanger plugins under Windows.
* There are a lot of changes in dproto.cfg. Old configs won't work with this version.

Link Oficial: [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]

Succes! Daca aveti neclaritati sau probleme in legatura cu acest patch, postati aici.
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Dproto 2011

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